#Angela Merkel

Slow-Motion Merkel

von , 9.3.10

Das amerikanische Magazin Newsweek erklärt in einer Titelgeschichte, warum Merkels Reformaversion langsam zum Problem für ihr Land und Europa wird:

The problem is that neither Merkel nor her country is in much of a mood to lead. Over the two decades since its reunification, Germany has turned into a sated and inward-looking power concerned more than anything with preserving the status quo. Merkel has become Germany’s most popular leader since World War II by promising Germans continuity, and won reelection in September 2009 on a platform of avoiding change and reform. Now, however, the crisis over Greece is just one of a growing number of threats to Germany’s status quo that pit its no-experiments mantra against the urgent necessity for an outward-looking, proactive response.

Die Merkel-Skepsis von Newsweek ist übrigens nicht neu. Schon im Oktober 2007 schrieb der Berlin-Korrespondent  des Magazins, Stefan Theil, eine merkelkritische Titelgeschichte: “Lost Leader”.

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