Linktipps zur Internetwirtschaft: Facebook Places, iPhone, Erfahrungen monetarisieren

von , 20.8.10

Facebook Places: Das Wichtigste zu Facebooks Location-Dienst (startet heute in den USA) – liefert einen guten deutschsprachigen Überblick über das in den USA gestartete Facebook Places. Auf meinem eigenen Blog habe ich Facebook Places mit den anderen Check-In-APIs von Google, Foursquare und Co. verglichen.

Google’s social czar picks a location fight with Facebook – VentureBeat
Google reagiert auf den Launch von Facebook Places: “Google’s timing can be peculiar — but rarely coincidental. A day after Facebook launched its first location feature, the search giant revealed in a blog post Thursday that more than 100 million users check Google Maps on mobile devices.”

iPhone-Apps gestalten – Erfahrungsbericht mit Tipps & Tricks – Dr. Web
Dr. Web hat Anfängertipps mit weiterführenden Links für die Entwicklung von iPhone-Apps veröffentlicht.

Porn Company Embracing ‘Pirates,’ Planning To Monetize Experiences – Techdirt
Die Pornoindustrie scheint der restlichen Medienwelt wieder einmal voraus zu sein: “He admits that, in the short term, this is a challenge and that “our easy way of getting revenue will disappear,” but in the long term, it’s a huge opportunity, because: “there’s never been so many people watching adult content.” He points out that the focus is on making money from “things you can’t copy.” Unlike execs in so many other content industries, it seems like Milton really recognizes why this is an opportunity, rather than a threat. It’s amazing that so few entertainment industry execs have figured out the same thing.”

The Tragic Death of Practically Everything – Technologizer
Technologizer über die schlechte Angewohnheit der Techpresse, so oft wie möglich den Tod von XY auszurufen.

Qualitätsretourkutsche StreetView – Feder & Herd
Eine mögliche Antwort an streetviewkritisierende Politiker.

Investment in iPad and iPhone App Startups Up 220% – ReadWriteWeb
ReadWriteWeb über die Investitionssummen in das iOS-Ökosystem: “”Pure play” companies are those whose sole focus is building applications for iPhone and iPad. Between 2008 and 2009, there were 11 investment rounds over 10 companies, with almost $38 million raised. This year, over the same time period, there were 17 investment rounds distributed over 16 companies for a total investment of $120.6 million.”

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