What is it that makes Germans go bonkers about Google?

von , 25.8.10

Jeff Jarvis schreibt: The German paradox, continued:

That’s really the question: What is it that makes Germans go bonkers about Google? Is it media trying to gain an advantage against their competitor? Is is anti-Americanism? Is it some inner anti-capitalism? I’m serious. I can’t figure them out and I think they should sit down and try to figure themselves out. The Green Party of Germany invited me to come next month to talk about publicness and privacy and I can’t wait to hear their explanations.


Gemeint ist die Podiumsdiskussion anlässlich der Demonstration “Freiheit statt Angst” am 10. September in der Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung, bei der Jarvis mit Thilo Weichert, dem Datenschutzbeauftragten von Schleswig-Holstein, auf dem Podium sitzt. Carta wird die Veranstaltung streamen.

(Disclaimer: Die Grüne Bundestagsfraktion hat dafür einen Banner auf Carta geschaltet.)

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