
Linktipps zur Internetwirtschaft: Major Labels, Googles Screw-Up, HTML5-Mess

von , 20.5.10

Linktipps zu Artikeln rund um die Internetwirtschaft und verwandten Feldern:

  • Google opensourced VP8 Video-Codec: WebM Project – Die wunderbare Welt von Isotopp
    “Durch das verfügbar-machen von VP8 eröffnet sich die Chance für HTML5 Video aus der H.264 Patentklemme heraus zu kommen, wenn der Codec weit genug unterstützt wird. Die Unterstützung von Chrome ist ja quasi von Haus aus sicher, Youtube kann auch schon VP8. Das Mozilla-Projekt unterstützt WebM bereits in den Firefox Nightly Builds, ebenso Opera und sogar Microsoft ab MSIE 9. Bleibt die Frage wie Safari (Apple) reagiert: Jobs war gegenüber Ogg Theora ja eher kritisch eingestellt und dem H.264-Lager recht sicher zuzurechnen.”
    Lediglich Apple und Microsoft fehlen bei dieser neuen Initiative, einen freien Video-Codec für das Web zu etablieren.
  • The Increasing Irrelevance Of The Major Record Labels – Techdirt
    “Their position now is back catalog filler. That’s more or less how people view the major labels. There’s a lot less interest in working through the old gatekeeper system. The labels will last for a long time (though, perhaps in different forms and under new ownership…) due to their back catalog and the need for music services to have access to those songs. But I don’t think there’s anyone left out there who looks to the major labels to lead the music industry any more (except, perhaps, some out-of-touch politicians).”
  • Google’s German screw-up – BuzzMachine
    “But this also shows how out of touch German media is with its audience on this point, for the German populace clearly does not mistrust and hate Google the way media do. They use Google more than just about any country on earth, giving Google search a 97.26% share of market.”
  • Scribd’s HTML5 is a mess – Loud
    “But this issue goes beyond just scribd (and scribd’s problems go way beyond the fact that their main product is a kludge), every major HTML5 app today is built using unreadable markup, obfuscated javascript and inelegant, messy CSS. Try to use ‘view source’, for example, to figure out how Gmail or Facebook work.
    Go on, I dare you.”
  • Leaked: Telcos’ secret plans to use fake “citizens groups” to kill Net Neutrality – Boing Boing
    “Here’s how I see it: the telcos and cable operators got a huge public subsidy when we agreed to let them use our public sewers, tunnels and streets (not to mention our houses and basements) for their wires. We give them all this for free or far below the market costs. They put their wires in our dirt.
    Now they’re saying they don’t want to give us the service we want. Literally. That’s what fighting Net Neutrality is about: it’s ISPs fighting for the right to slow down or discard the bits you, the customer, ask for.

Marcel Weiß bloggt neunetz.com. Dort gibt es tägliche Linktipps und Artikel zur Internetwirtschaft. Wir freuen uns sehr über die Zusammenarbeit.

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